The Artemis Fowl movie is finally coming! Read on to watch the Artemis Fowl movie trailer, find out the Artemis Fowl movie release date, AND get tips on how to use the movie to motivate a boy to read!

Photo from Disney Studios
They’re finally making an Artemis Fowl movie and my son is so excited – even though he’s 20 and in college!
How did he already know about Artemis Fowl you ask? The Artemis Fowl Novels! The Artemis Fowl books are a great book series for boys. (Yes, they are good adventure books for girls, too. There’s even a strong female main character, Holly. But at our house it was a favorite book of my son in 4th grade, so I’m going to go with that as the focus for this post.)
As soon as I heard, I sent my son a link to the Artemis Fowl movie trailer. And he replied back, “It’s about time!”
He also wonders if they’re doing anything for the original contest winner. Apparently, there was a contest of some sort to be in the movie. He remembers the announcement being in one of his copies of the book. And yes, I said “one of his copies,” because he has them all.
Author of the Artemis Fowl series – Eoin Colfer
My son even has signed copies of the Artemis Fowl novels. I’ve got a picture somewhere I’ll have to dig up. If you ever get a chance to meet Eoin Colfer in person, you should! He’s one of the nicest authors we’ve met. On top o that, he’s a very entertaining speaker and his stories are hilarious.
But, back to the Artemis Fowl movie! After all, Artemis Fowl fans have been waiting on it a long time. The movie is based on the Artemis Fowl novels. Yes, books! Movies based on books are often the best with a well developed story.
Artemis Fowl Books
The Artemis Fowl books are great for 8-12 year old boys. In fact, it was one of my son’s favorite books in 4th grade. The books are considered MG, or middle grade. Some might be tempted to call them YA, or young adult, novels. But the main character in the book is 12 years old, putting them in the middle grade book category.
But adults will also enjoy the Artemis Fowl novels. I know I did! (Remember, the first book in the Harry Potter series are middle grade books. Harry was 11 in the first book when he went to Hogwarts.)
Artemis Fowl is the title of the first book in the series.
Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, Book 1)
But the cover of the last book, Artemis Fowl The Last Guardian, was clearly the inspiration for the movie poster.
Artemis Fowl The Last Guardian
In the first book, Artemis Fowl, millionaire genius kid and criminal mastermind, Artemis, kidnaps the fairy Holly. But Holly isn’t a normal fairy of children’s fairy tales!
She’s dangerous.
And a captain in the elite LEPrecon Unit.
Artemis may well have met his match this time!
My son enjoyed reading the ENTIRE Artemis Fowl series.
More great books for kids
Best Books for Boys in 3rd Grade – my son’s favorites
Best Kids Books – My own kids’ favorite books
Best Books for Girls in 2nd Grade – my daughters’ favorite books
Using the Artemis Fowl movie to get your child interested in reading

Image from Disney Studios – Ferdia Shaw is Artemis Fowl in Disney’s ARTEMIS FOWL, an adventure directed by Kenneth Branagh that finds 12-year-old genius Artemis Fowl in a battle of strength and cunning against a powerful, hidden race of fairies.
There are several ways to get a boy who doesn’t like reading interested in the Artemis Fowl books. The first, or course, is through the first book in the series mentioned above. Who wouldn’t get a kick out of knowing more about a new, cool, movie before everyone else? Other ways to entice a boy to read is through the entire series – especially in a boxed set, through the graphic novels, through audiobooks, or through ebooks.
Learn about Artemis Fowl before the movie comes out
Can watching a movie be a reading motivation activity? You bet! The coming movie is a great way to motivate a boy to read. Then they can have so much fun telling their friends all about Artemis before anyone even sees the movie. They can be “in the know” before everyone else.
Like, what’s with those glasses Artemis wears in the movie poster? (You might even use that question to get your son interested in reading the book.)
Book sets are a great way to get a child excited about reading
Book sets are often a great way to entice a reluctant reader. Even for a boy who already knows he likes to read, it can be exciting to get a whole boxed series for a birthday or Christmas.
Artemis Fowl Collection 8 Books Set (Artemis Fowl / Time Paradox / Atlantis Complex / Opal Deception / Arctic Incident / Eternity Code / Lost Colony & The Last Guardian
If an 8-book series is too big a commitment for you, you can also get the first three books as a boxed set. That will get you started!
Find more great boxed book sets for kids
Non-toy gift idea – the best boxed book sets for kids
Artemis Fowl Graphic novels are great for reluctant readers
If you think the whole Artemis Series too daunting for your reluctant boy reader, why don’t you try the Artemis Fowl Graphic novels? Graphic novels are books in “comic book style” with pictures and speech bubbles. They are a great way to get a child interested in reading when they think they really hate reading.
Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel
The reading level of the Artemis Fowl first book is an ATOS Book Level of 5.0 and an Interest Level of Middle Grades (MG 4-8). But the reading level of the first Artemis Fowl graphic novel is an ATOS Book Level of 3.6 and while the Interest Level is still Middle Grades (MG 4-8).
Kids will enjoy the graphic novels even if they’ve read the middle grade novels. Or, if you want to finish the series and it’s been awhile since you read the first books, the graphic novels would be a quick read to refresh your memory.
There isn’t a boxed set available of the graphic novels, but you can find the rest of the Artemis Fowl graphic novel series on Amazon.
Listening to Audiobooks to get your child interested in reading
Audiobooks were my youngest daughter’s pathway into her love of reading. It might seem like you’re letting them “cheat” but listening to audiobooks can be a great introduction to get reluctant readers excited about reading. I think it can really help improve their reading comprehension, especially if they read along to the audiobook.
Right now, the first Artemis Fowl audiobook on Amazon is a really reasonable price.
Artemis Fowl: Artemis Fowl, Book 1 Audible Audiobook – Unabridged
Or, you can sign up for Audible and get a book a month to work your way through the series just in time for the Artemis Fowl movie!
In fact, right now you can sign up for a free-30 day trial and get TWO FREE audiobooks.
Ebooks for reluctant readers
More and more kids are getting into ebooks. Ebooks are the cool way to read. You can read on your phone.
E-readers for kids and reluctant readers
Reading on a dedicated e-reader, like a Kindle, can be easier on your eyes. Right now, the older version of the Kindle with a built-in light, the Kindle Paperwhite, is the same price as the non-lit version. So there’s no reason not to get a self-lighted version.
Self-lighted e-readers for kids and reluctant readers
Usually for a little bit more, you can get a self-lighted ereader, like the Kindle Paperwhite. Reading on self-lighted ereaders. at night can be a great way to help an anxious kid or teen fall asleep. Screens on smart phones – Android and iphones – and tablets – like the ipad – shine blue light directly into your eyes which can inhibit sleep. E-readers with a built in light shine a yellower light toward the page. So it’s easier to fall asleep with an e-reader than other electronic devices.
And the new version of the Kindle Paperwhite is also waterproof!
Artemis Fowl Movie Trailer
Show your reluctant reader the Artemis Fowl movie trailer to get them excited about reading the books!
Artemis Fowl Movie Release Date
The Artemis Fowl Movie will be released on August 9, 2019!
There will definitely be more Artemis Fowl Movie Tie-in merchandise coming out as the movie approaches. Watch this space to see what cool stuff you can get related to the movie.
More places to learn about Artemis Fowl and the Artemis Fowl Movie
Artemis Fowl Confidential – an Artemis Fowl Fan site
Accelerated Reader book finding tool to find reading levels