In second grade, readers can really take off. Or not. Don’t be worried if your child hasn’t turned into a reader yet. Just focus on making fun books available. If you don’t read kids’ books for your own entertainment (I do!) you might have trouble coming up with some suggestions for your daughter. But better than my suggestions, are the suggestions of another girl. Here are 9 of the best books for girls, my daughters’ favorite books in second grade, ordered roughly in order from the easiest to read to the more difficult….
Easy and fast DIY Athena Costume your girl will love!
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.The books I write for kids are fantasy, so it’s probably no surprise that we’re big fantasy readers around this house. When my daughter was in middle school she finally discovered the Percy Jackson series and tore through them. (Can you call it “discovered” when her brother has been begging her for years and she only read it because her English teacher put The Lightning Thief on a reading list?)
Some parents would be appalled that English teachers are encouraging kids to read something as commercial as The Lightning Thief. I think it’s great! To me, the main reason for assigning books is to turn kids into readers. The depressing books that most teachers assign discourage kids from reading….
How grandparents can encourage grandchildren to read
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.There are lots of ways grandparents can encourage their grandchildren to read. Grandparents reading to grandchildren is an obvious way. But did you think about what books you keep at your house for them? How about giving books as gifts to grandchildren? I’ve got great ideas for the types of books that grandparents can keep around their house to entertain visiting grandchildren. And I’ve also got lots of ways to make book gifts more exciting! Read on for lots of great suggestions of books to read to grandchildren, books to own, and books to give grandchildren as gifts that will foster a love of reading!…
The Artemis Fowl Movie – a great way to motivate a boy to read
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.The Artemis Fowl movie is finally coming! Read on to watch the Artemis Fowl movie trailer, find out the Artemis Fowl movie release date, AND get tips on how to use the movie to motivate a boy to read!

Photo from Disney Studios
Great Expectations – SAT movies
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Great Expectations is another movie that we watched for improving SAT vocabulary and reading skills.
Watching Great Expectations to improve your SAT reading score
Great Expectations (2012) is not as gloomy, grungy, and violent as the first scenes and trailer suggest. …
Becoming Jane – SAT Movies
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Becoming Jane, about Jane Austen’s young romance with a Mr. Lefroy that may have inspired her books, is another movie that we watched for improving SAT vocabulary and reading skills. It’s based on the book Becoming Jane Austen, by Jon Hunter….
Pride and Prejudice BBC – SAT movies
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.The Pride and Prejudice BBC mini-series is another movie that we watched for improving SAT vocabulary and reading skills.
Watching movie to improve your SAT reading score
There’s a reason that this Pride and Prejudice BBC mini-series is the iconic Jane Austen movie. …
Pride and Prejudice – SAT movies
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Pride and Prejudice is another movie that we watched for improving SAT vocabulary and reading skills.
Watching Pride and Prejudice to improve your SAT reading score
My main impression looking back on this movie is “brown,” like the entire movie had a brown tone. But, that’s not to say it wasn’t a good movie; it will keep your interest and the plot is easy to follow. It’s just not as colorful as our favorite, Emma.…
Emma BBC – SAT movies
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.The Emma BBC mini-series is another movie that we watched for improving SAT vocabulary and reading skills.
Watching Emma BBC to improve your SAT reading score
The Emma BBC television mini-series doesn’t seem to stick as closely to the original as the Pride and Prejudice BBC series. …
Emma – SAT movies
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Watching movies to improve your SAT score? This past summer I’ve been watching movies with my daughters to work on their reading comprehension for the SAT.
Emma is a great movie to watch to improve your SAT reading vocabulary score. It is by far our favorite of the Jane Austen movies. As luck would have it, or maybe because we started with this one, it was the first of many literary movies we’ve watched with SAT prep in mind. My girls loved it!