It’s great fun to make your own Homecoming Mum. You can also save a TON of money if you know how to make your own. Homecoming mums can get outrageous, but they can also be pretty and lots of fun! If you have struggled with putting your own Homecoming mum together, or have ever wondered why some mums are prettier than others, than this tutorial is for you! I share all my tips I’ve learned making real flower corsages and making Homecoming mums for my daughters.…
Homecoming Mum DIY Ideas Texas Senior White Mum
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Senior Homecoming mums are all white with either gold or silver. Gold if one of your school colors is yellow. Silver if one of your school colors is white. How can you make your own senior homecoming mum? Tips, tricks and tutorials.
The tradition of white senior homecoming mums is new since I was in high school – three decades ago! It reminds me of the story that my grandmother, who graduated from high school in West Texas in the 1930’s wore a white dress to her high school graduation. While I wore one of my Sunday best dresses under my graduation gown, I was only too happy to let my daughter’s revive this tradition, buying a white dress to wear under their graduation gowns. Our thought would have been why bother? You don’t see your dress under the gown anyway! But another trend that I’m thankful for is the common practice of taking photos with your gown unzipped, so that you can see the pretty dress or shirt and tie that you’re wearing underneath.
But enough about that! On to the directions, tips and tricks, to make your own white, senior Homecoming Mum!…
An Easy Way to Dress Up an Easter Basket for your Little Girl
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.I adored my Easter basket growing up, which my grandmother had dressed up for me by attaching plastic flowers to it. Now, with all the gorgeous silk floral vines available in craft stores, it’s easier than ever! I made two baskets for my own little girls (now bigger), and they love them just as much.
Make Your Own Valentine Fortune Teller
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Kids doing remote school from home because of the pandemic might have more time for DIY crafts this Valentine’s Day. What could be better than this Valentine Fortune Teller you can play with after you make it? Get the tutorial!
Homecoming Mums – How to make a Homecoming mum (with pictures) and save money
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.If you don’t live in the South, I’m told that Homecoming mums might be new to you. I wouldn’t know.
I grew up in the south, so I don’t know any different. In fact, I’ve always thought Homecoming mums were the best part about football!
On the other hand, even when I was in high school, Homecoming mums started getting bigger and bigger, and fancier and heavier. And that was before battery operated lights! And feather boas. Oh, my. And you wouldn’t believe how much those Homecoming mums cost!
You can save a lot of money making your own, and end up with something prettier and unique….
Easy and fast DIY Athena Costume your girl will love!
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.The books I write for kids are fantasy, so it’s probably no surprise that we’re big fantasy readers around this house. When my daughter was in middle school she finally discovered the Percy Jackson series and tore through them. (Can you call it “discovered” when her brother has been begging her for years and she only read it because her English teacher put The Lightning Thief on a reading list?)
Some parents would be appalled that English teachers are encouraging kids to read something as commercial as The Lightning Thief. I think it’s great! To me, the main reason for assigning books is to turn kids into readers. The depressing books that most teachers assign discourage kids from reading….
Trick or treating alternatives for 2020 Halloween
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.This Halloween might be difficult if you have kids who want to go trick-or-treating. Turn things on their head, and take the opportunity to make this Halloween different from all the others! Instead of being disappointing, the Halloween of 2020 and other pandemic Halloweens can really stand out as a special childhood memories.…
Beginners tips and tricks for making Homecoming mum spirit braids
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Here’s a great idea for making your Homecoming mum extra fun and pretty – make your own ribbon braids! You don’t have to learn how to make a ton of different braids. Read on for my quick tips to find out to add a lot of variety and fun to your mum, with only learning how to make one or two ribbon braids for your mum!
My daughters had fun helping me make braids for their very own Homecoming mum. Making them ourselves, we knew they would be unique!
Braiding can take a while, so it’s a great time to watch a fun show or movie together. (Check out my posts about some of our favorite movies, Best Romantic Comedies for mothers and daughters to watch together. Or even have fun watching movies to improve your College Board SAT score. Or even check out my daughters’ favorite movie for us to watch together.
When you start trying to make the braids yourself, it can be a bit tricky at first, even after watching the best video tutorials about how to make Homecoming mum ribbon braids. So I pulled together some tricks and tips we came up with for making ribbon braids for our Homecoming mums.
Beginners tips and tricks for making Homecoming mum braids
- Use acetate ribbon. It’s plastic-y and stiff, but it also doesn’t crease easily. It can also be called “florist” ribbon.
- The length of the finished braid will depend not only on the length of the ribbon pieces, but the width of the ribbon and the tightness of the braid. You can cut off excess length, but once you cut the pieces you can’t make them longer!
- If you use the maximum number of different colors it will make it easier to see what you’re doing as a beginner. For example, use 2 colors for a 2 ribbon bread and 4 different colors for a 4 ribbon bread.
- Even if you only learn one type of braid, you can make it look like you made several different braids by using different colors of ribbon and different widths for the different braids. In the photo above, the checkered ribbon inn the middle is the exact same type of braid as the fat gold braid on the side. it’s just different width ribbon and different colors.)
- After you have practiced with the acetate ribbon, you can use metallic, glittery or edge laced ribbon to add even more bling and variety!
Tips and tricks for beginners for starting ribbon braids for Homecoming Mums
- Instead of starting the braids with just a staple (it’s hard to hold the ribbons in place.) Tape the ribbons together on the back with a flat piece of tape.
- Staple them together, through the tape.
- Then tear the tape away.
- Before you start braiding, use a new piece of tape to hold the ribbons down on a table or other surface, if needed.
Tips and tricks for beginners for ending ribbon braids for Homecoming Mums
- Staple the end.
- Trim the ribbons.
- Then turn the end with the staple under and use a LOW TEMPERATURE hot glue to hold it in place. (That low temperature part? Why do I keep learning it the hard way when I just use the first hot glue gun I find?!)
More Tips and Tutorials to Make your Own Homecoming Football Mum
Homecoming Mums – How to make a Homecoming mum (with pictures) and save money
– for more ideas for types of ribbons, charms, and other homecoming mum decorations that will make your homecoming football mum unique and save you money.
The 4 Best How to Make Homecoming Mum Videos – save money!
– The best how to make football homecoming mum videos that I found helpful and got ideas from when making my own mums.
How to make Homecoming mum braids – the best tutorials & videos
– the best tutorials and videos for Homecoming mum braids and ribbon leis that my daughters and I used to learn how to braid ribbon for Homecoming mum streamers.
How to make Homecoming mum braids – the best tutorials & videos
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Looking for ideas to make your Homecoming mum even fancier without it costing a ton? Add your own ribbon braids! I’ve rounded up the BEST ribbon braid tutorials and best tutorial videos so you can make your own ribbon braids for your Homecoming mum. These are the ones my daughters and I learned from when we maid spirit braids to add to the Homecoming mums we made for them. It’s so much fun!
Mermaid Birthday Party Favor Ideas
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Need some favor ideas for a mermaid birthday party? It’s more fun to send the kids home with something they’ll really love. I’ve got 18+ mermaid party favor ideas – some easy DIY you can make and some you can buy – to get you started!…