These are best boxed book sets on Amazon! (As judged by me the children’s books that my own kids love.) These giant boxed book sets make great Christmas gifts for kids. Boxed sets make reading fun for even reluctant readers. Some of these are classic children’s book series. Others are current popular elementary school books series and others work better for older kids and teens. All of these book series are well loved by my own kids.
Most Exciting Boxed Book Sets for Kid Gifts
Boxed Book Sets for Kindergartners, Pre-schoolers, and Toddlers
1. Disney Princess My Princess Collection – 12 Book Boxed Set by Disney Book Group
This is the first boxed set my older daughter got as a gift for Christmas. She got it long before she could read. But she was still thrilled with this giant box of pink books with Disney Princess pictures. Her box was well loved. I was so excited to find that you can still get this set from Amazon. Her love of reading can be traced back to this and children’s picture books.
Board book boxed sets
If your toddler or preschooler isn’t quite ready for paper books, board books are a great option. Each of my kids had a set of board books they loved as toddlers. I found two great options on Amazon for you.
2. Disney Princess – I Can Be Princess Board Book Block 8-Book Library

3. Sesame Street – On The Farm My First Library Board Book Block Set – PI Kid

Boxed Book Sets for 1st graders, 2nd graders, kids age 6-8
4. Magic Tree House Boxed Set, Books 1-28
Magic Tree house is a popular elementary school book series that are great early chapter books for first graders, both boys and girls. They are some of the first books that many kids read on their own in the 1st grade.
5. The Judy Moody Most Mood-tastic Collection Ever
This is another book series that great for 1st graders to read independently. Fantastic illustrations help to break up the text.
For boys, check out these smaller book sets about Judy’s brother, Stink.
Find more book ideas for boys
Best Books for Boys in 1st Grade – my son’s 4 favorite kids books
Best Books for Boys in 3rd Grade -my son’s favorites
6. The Complete Ramona Collection: Beezus and Ramona, Ramona and Her Father, Ramona and Her Mother, Ramona Quimby, Age 8, Ramona Forever, Ramona the Brave, Ramona the Pest, Ramona’s World
This is a fantastic classic chapter book for 1st – 3rd graders. In fact, it’s the set that I chose to give my 1st grade niece for Christmas this year!
7. The World of Beverly Cleary Collection 15 Book Box Set in Illustrated Slipcase
This giant set of all of Beverly Cleary’s books would be fantastic for both boys and girls as it has, among others, both the Ramona and Henry and Ribsy books.
8. Clementine Series (8 Book Box Set) [Includes seven chapter books and the “Clementine All About You Journal”]
Clementine is like the new Ramona. This is a really cute book series. Girls will love it!
Boxed Book Sets for 3rd graders and 4th graders, Age 8-10
9. How to Train Your Dragon: The Complete Series: Paperback Gift Set
How to Train Your Dragon is a Graphic novel that is perfect for reluctant elementary readers, both boys and girls. They would appeal to kids everywhere from 3rd grade to middle school. This GIANT SET looks so exciting!
10. Nancy Drew Set – Books 1-10
& Nancy Drew Set – Books 11-20
My older daughter got a boxed set of six Nancy Drew books as a Christmas present from my aunt one year and fell in love with them. To her disappointment, we couldn’t find them in any libraries. So I had to hunt down each of the books one by one for what turned out to be a big Christmas present for the next year. But she loved the books so much, and read them over and over, that we definitely got our money’s worth! Lucky you! You can find boxed sets on Amazon now and put the entire series together much faster.
Find more book ideas for girls
Best Books for Girls in 1st Grade – my daughters’ favorite kids books
Best Books for Girls in 5th Grade – My Daughters’ Favorites
Boxed Book Sets for 4th and 5th graders – Age 9-12
These book sets are great for kids in the 4th grade, depending on how advanced their reading is. They’re arranged roughly from easiest to hardest, but all of these books series are are great even for advanced middle school readers. The Lord of the Rings boxed sets even make great gifts for adults who love to read.
11. Anne of Green Gables, Complete 8-Book Box Set: Anne of Green Gables; Anne of the Island; Anne of Avonlea; Anne of Windy Poplar; Anne’s House of … Ingleside; Rainbow Valley; Rilla of Ingleside
Thanks to Netflix’s series Anne of Green Gables, this classic children’s book series is enjoying a resurgence in popularity.
12. Roald Dahl 15-Book Boxed Set
Roald Dahl books more great read aloud chapter books starting in 2nd grade and beyond. My younger daughter still remembers her teaching reading aloud to them from the Big Friendly Giant.
13. The Chronicles of Narnia Complete 7 Volume Set
The Chronicles of Narnia is a classic book series that was beloved by my son when he was in elementary school.
14. Harry Potter Books Set #1-7 in Collectible Trunk-Like Toy Chest Box
Harry Potter played a huge part getting all three of my kids excited about reading.
15. Harry Potter: The Illustrated Collection (Books 1-3 Boxed Set)

16. Lord of the Rings Boxed Set
The classic book series Lord of the Rings makes a fantastic boxed book sets for advanced readers in elementary school and middle school – and even adults!
17. The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings (the Hobbit / the Fellowship of the Ring / the Two Towers / the Return of the King

Still need more ideas? I’ve got another list of boxed book sets – Non-toy gift idea – the best boxed book sets for kids. And a master index for my kids other favorite books – Best Kids Books – My own kids’ favorite books.
Or you can find more ideas for boxed book sets on Amazon.
It’s fantastic to see there are still some familiar titles int here. I would have loved to get books at just about any age all through high school. Of course now there’s Kindle which both my sister and I use. We used to call ourselves Ramona and Beezus for awhile there.
What a sweet memory with your sister! Ramona really has stood the test of time. I’ve found it even more engaging as an adult! I hope the niece I’m giving the set to loves it as much as my girls and I do!