With Season 4 of Netflix’s the Crown, release date November 15, 2020, you might again find yourself wondering, how true is The Crown? What does The Crown get right and wrong? One of the major events covered in Season 4 of The Crown will include the introduction of Emma Corrin as Princess Diana, her early relationship with Prince Charles, and their early marriage. So the biography, Prince Charles, by Sally Bedell Smith is a good place to start to see what The Crown gets right, and what it gets wrong.
Star Wars Luke Skywalker DIY costume
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Usually we have to wait years in between Star Wars movies, but Star Wars: The Force Awakens came out last year and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is coming out this December! (Published Aug 8, 2016)
UPDATE 2020:
Trick-or-treat alternatives and Costumes for Halloween 2020
Even if you’re not going to a big Halloween party this year, your kids can have fun dressing up. You might want to put together a costume from things you have around the house, as I did multiple years in a row for this Luke Skywalker Costume. All dressed up and nowhere to go? Consider dressing up as characters from your favorite movie series and have a movie marathon while you eat Halloween Candy! Love Star Wars? We got some things right, but we made a couple of mistakes when showing Star Wars to our kids. See my best order for introducing your kids to Star Wars.
Do you have older girls – teen and pre-teen girls? See our own favorite Rom Coms for mothers and daughters to watch together!
Luke Skywalker Costume Ideas
I love how the Star Wars movies continue to have strong female characters. We’re big Star Wars fans around this house, so we’ll definitely be going to see that.
In fact, our son has been Luke Skywalker for Halloween not one, not two, but THREE times! As you can see, even his sisters had to get in on the Star Wars costumes for Halloween as well. I’m sure that there are going to be a lot of Star Wars costumes at Halloween this fall.
Two of those times my son dressed up like Luke Skywalker from Star Wars: A New Hope, and as you can see, that’s a super easy costume….
Classic Literature Modern Movies – Vanity Fair
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.I find watching modern movies based on classic literature to be an excellent way to get into reading the books. Rather than seeing the movie as a reward for reading the book, I find it easier to watch the movie first. A really great movie will leave you wanting more, and reading the book is the perfect way to follow up. The movie Vanity Fair from 2004, is based on the book by the same name.…
What to watch next after The Crown Season 3
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Are you also excited to watch The Crown Season 3? Unfortunately, I recently watched another movie about British Royalty that I didn’t like, and I’m hoping won’t spoil the third season of The Crown for me. Find out what not to watch – and what to watch instead! – if you love the Netflix series The Crown….
Frozen 2 official trailer – Let it Go! There’s a new Frozen movie to sing about
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.There’s a new official preview for Disney’s Frozen 2! Are you looking forward to it’s release? Have you caught the Frozen Fever? Or maybe you still hear the refrain in your head “Let it go! Let it go!…” and you just want to “LET IT GO!” BUT – the first teaser trailer completely changed my mind. The graphics are A-mazing. And the newest official trailer has given us more to look forward to. Plus, find out about the cast! And a new Frozen 2 poster is out!

Image from Disney Studios
Is Disney’s 2019 Aladdin movie scary for kids?
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.
Photo from Disney Studios
Aladdin is joining the ranks of Disney movies adapted to live action in 2019. I’ve got mixed feelings about the the trend of adapting beloved animated movies to live action. On one hand, it takes away from the story-book quality of the animated originals. And will it be too scary for children? But on the other, oh my goodness! The gorgeousness! (My first thought after writing that sentence is that “gorgeousness” must not be a word. But spell-check allowed it. Then thinking some more, of course it’s a word! But I probably didn’t use it in an entirely grammatically correct way. The editor in me isn’t really happy with that. But I’m going to leave that way.)…
Engineering Toys & Kits – Gifts for Tween Girls inspired by Disney’s Nutcracker
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.It’s important not to overlook girls when you’re looking for engineering toys and kits for Christmas gifts for your son. It’s true that a lot of engineering sets might not be immediately appealing to girls. That’s why I was so excited that in Disney’s Nutcracker and the Four Realms movie there is an emphasis of Clara being interested in mechanical things. It inspired me to come up with a list of engineering gifts for tween girls!

image from Disney Studios
The Artemis Fowl Movie – a great way to motivate a boy to read
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.The Artemis Fowl movie is finally coming! Read on to watch the Artemis Fowl movie trailer, find out the Artemis Fowl movie release date, AND get tips on how to use the movie to motivate a boy to read!

Photo from Disney Studios
Disney Nutcracker inspired unique gift ideas for girls
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Don’t you just love going to see a Christmas movie at Christmas time? I do! And a great choice this year is the Disney Nutcracker and the Four Realms! Did your daughter love the Disney Nutcracker movie? Here are some unique gifts ideas for girls that will remind fans of the Disney Nutcracker of that Christmas magic all year long!

Image from Walt Disney Studios
Disney Nutcracker Movie Review – new family Christmas tradition
This post may contain text and image affiliate links. You pay the same price, but I may receive a small commissions for purchases through those links.Disney’s Nutcracker and the Four Realms had lots of gorgeous Christmas settings to really get you in that holiday spirit! The cinematography was really a feast for the eyes. When a movie is this beautiful, it offers something for every family member to enjoy.

Photo from Walt Disney Studios