If you’ve made Facebook cover photo for a Facebook page you probably also need a Twitter header. In this tutorial I’ll go over a quick and dirty method for modifying Facebook cover photos for use as a Twitter header.
every mom wants to be an all-powerful wizard
by ES Ivy
If you’ve made Facebook cover photo for a Facebook page you probably also need a Twitter header. In this tutorial I’ll go over a quick and dirty method for modifying Facebook cover photos for use as a Twitter header.
by ES Ivy
I needed a new Facebook cover photo, so I followed the Facebook tutorial How to make a Facebook page cover photo. Worked like a charm! I wonder who wrote such great step-by- step directions for the cover photo, complete with a free template the correct size? 🙂
It had been over a year since I’d made one; I’m so glad I took that time to write that tutorial for me to help others. I used free-online photo editing software, pixlr.com, to make it.
Here it is!
You can see how it looks with the profile picture overlay and everything else on my ES Ivy Facebook page.
by ES Ivy
For WordPress security, it’s a good idea to create a new WordPress user as an Author or Editor to use whenever you make new posts from an un-secure location, any place where someone else can access wifi and swipe your password as you enter it. You will need at least two email addresses to do this.
If you haven’t used my tutorials before, start by reading How to read my WordPress tutorials.…
by ES Ivy
Over one weekend I went from getting one or two login attempts, every week or so, to over a thousand in two days. The hackers didn’t get in, but it’s still alarming. (I ran a free scan of my site over at sucuri.net and also with the new plugin, WordFence Security, just to be sure my site is still secure.) If you don’t know much about WordPress security yet, read my post on WordPress Security for Beginners.
I haven’t been able to find a reason for the sudden increase in attempts; it’s probably just bad luck. But my research led me to install a third security plugin, Wordfence. (If you install too many security plugins, they can interfere with each other, but for now this seems to be a good trio.) I now how JetPack (it has a security part), Sucuri Security, and WordFence Security – all free plugins – intalled and activated.
I had already taken care of the basics, my username is not “admin” or “administrator.” But my username did have my url as part of a longer username, and with WordFence I could see that the hackers have tried using my url as my username. It was making me nervous….
by ES Ivy
I find that changing the color schemes of my different sites, High School College Success!, E.S. Ivy, and Mom Behind the Curtain, and having a another color for my test sites, helps keep me from getting confused. (Notice I said “helps.” Let’s face it. WordPress development is confusing, even the famous “Five-minute install” that’s only five minutes if you’re already a trained software developer. End of rant.)
by ES Ivy
When I first started writing tutorials I tried to make images for each, and every, click.
I could make videos. But I prefer using written tutorials myself and I refer back to my own tutorials. Also, webpages and user interfaces often change over time, even though the commands and command sequences you use might stay the same.
So that the writing the tutorials will only take hours – instead of hours and hours – I came up with a shorthand to record my directions; it’s the same shorthand I use for myself in my own notes. Since you don’t live inside my head, I decided I better explain myself….
by ES Ivy
When you update to WordPress 4.3 you now have the ability to add icons, or favicons to your site without a plugin or uploading files. These will show up in your browser on the tab, as well as places like Pinterest Rich Pins.
I go through how to add you icon in WordPress 4.3 step by step below….
by ES Ivy
To move posts to this new site, or URL, I needed a plugin to add 301 redirects to the posts on my old WordPress site. I was planning to do it with SEO Yoast, which I already had installed. Unfortunately, they released a new version a week before I started trying to make my 301 redirects, and removed that functionality. AGH! However, I think it’s because it was impossible to keep up with your redirects, which is something I looked for in the plugins reviewed below.
What I was really hoping to find in a 301 redirect plugin was one that would let me add redirects easily from the post edit page (easier to keep up with what I’m adding and I only have to copy and paste one URL, the new one), and one that would also show me a list of my redirects. …
by ES Ivy
Yesterday I attended a WordPress Meetup about basic security presented by Nick Batik. WordPress Meetups are awesome free gatherings where developers volunteer to teach others all about WordPress and I’ve been to quite a few. I’m working on a whole series about making a WordPress site (my How to Install a Favicon on WordPress tutorial will also be part of that series), but this security information is too important to keep to myself until I get this site moved and the series completed.
If your site gets hacked, to add to all the other headaches you can get blacklisted by Google. (Understand Google Website Blacklists) But below are are some basic WordPress security tips, practices that even a beginner can easily tackle, that were my take-away from the discussion.
by ES Ivy
It can be tricky to pick a domain name for a lifestyle blog. I like the terms “lifestyle blog” or “mommy blog” because the topics can be so broad on them, which is what has turned out to happen here in my little corner of the internet. But in some ways, that seems to make coming up with a domain name and buying a URL more difficult. (Check our my resources for discount and free blooging and website courses and tools.)
But before I get into all that, maybe your wondering – Exactly what is a domain name? And if you look on the internet (like I did), it will become clear to you that all of the definitions were written by software engineers who knew exactly what they were talking about. But after you read their three paragraph definition you’ll still have no clue what they were talking about. Which is kind of the point, that someone who doesn’t understand it understands. But it’s hard for them to get back to our level.
Here’s a simple way to define domain name….