Are you also excited to watch The Crown Season 3? Unfortunately, I recently watched another movie about British Royalty that I didn’t like, and I’m hoping won’t spoil the third season of The Crown for me. Find out what not to watch – and what to watch instead! – if you love the Netflix series The Crown.

Image from Netflix
I’m about the start Season 3 of the Netflix series, The Crown. And I know I will finish watching it all too fast! If you’re looking for more things to watch after you finish The Crown, read on.
The Crown Season 3, what to watch next – what to watch next if you love The Crown
If you loved The Crown Season 3, you might be excited to see that Olivia Coleman plays another English queen, Queen Anne, in The Favorite. Don’t bother.
Poor, forgotten, Queen Anne got a bad rap in history when she was outlived by her frenemy, Sarah Churchill. As this recent movie shows, she’s still suffering for it 300 years later. Netflix’s The Crown tries to stick close to history while still maintaining a story line. It might not get everything exactly right, but it still gives you a good sense of the history. The Favorite tries to symbolize and exaggerate the past, and it fails. Badly.
Instead of watching that movie, check out my list of other movies and series to watch or give as gifts if you loved watching The Crown.
And if you’re a real history buff, check out my list of documentaries to watch after The Crown to learn more about Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal Family.
As you may have guessed, The Favorite is not on those lists. I was so excited to watch The Favorite on my flight back from a London vacation and learn more about this little known Queen of England.
I so wish I hadn’t. I suspect it will take me a few episodes of The Crown to get over Olivia Coleman’s caricature portrayal of Queen Anne in that movie before I can see her as Queen Elizabeth II and enjoy watching Season 3 of The Crown.
Never heard of Queen Anne of England? On my trip I got to tour Buckingham Palace! Did you know that there wouldn’t be a “Buck House” if not for Queen Anne? What would The Crown be without the backdrop of this magnificent palace?
Check out my brief historical summary (coming soon) from reading Ungrateful Daughters: The Stuart Princesses Who Stole Their Father’s Crown. (Yes, the title is Ungrateful Daughters and it still gives you a better and more balanced view, and of course more historically accurate, of Queen Anne than the movie The Favorite.)
Can I watch Season 3 of The Crown on Amazon Prime?
I don’t subscribe to Netflix. How can I watch The Crown?
You can’t stream The Crown on Amazon Prime, but you can order both Season 1 of the Crown and Season 2 of The Crown on Blu-ray or DVDs! Then you can watch them forever, without having to maintain a subscription. Or you can buy both Season 1 & 2 of The Crown together on Blu-ray, and right now buying them together will save you a few dollars.
When will The Crown Season 3 be released on DVD and Blu-ray?
There’s no information on the release date yet for The Crown Season 3 on DVD and Blu-ray. But I did some research and I have a good guess!
The Crown Season 1 on DVD and Blu-ray was released in November 2017, one year after its release on Netflix in November of 2016.
The The Crown Season 2 was released on Blu-ray and DVD in November 2018, just shy of a year – eleven months – after it was released on Netflix in December 2017.
So you might start looking for DVDs and Blu-Rays of The Crown Season 3 in the fall of 2020. The Crown Season 4 is also set to be released on Netlfix in 2020. If Netlix is smart, they’ll whip up more excitement for The Crown Season 4 by releasing the DVDs and Blu-Rays of the Crown Season 3 before The Crown Season 4 is released on Netflix.
Don’t forget – while you wait, check out these other movies and series to watch or give as gifts if you loved watching The Crown. And if you’re a real history buff, check out my list of documentaries to watch after The Crown to learn more about Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal Family.